Version 2.2.1

New Features

  • When entering full screen mode, when clicking on the icon to enable fullscreen mode, you can press shift while doing so and the result of this will be that the terminals in the main dashboard view will have their color scheme reversed so that black text on a white background is used. This makes readability better if using fullscreen mode for an interactive demo at a conference where a large screen projector is used.

  • In the Workshop resource definition, you can now supply session.volumes and session.volumeMounts sections and these will be added into the Deployment resource definition for the workshop instance. In the case of volumeMounts these are only added to the main workshop container. If you need to mount volumes into one of the side car containers for some reason, you would still need to use patches to apply it.

  • It is now possible to provide a layout setting pertaining to the embedded workshop instructions. This allows one to specify that the workshop instructions should be display in a tab of the workshop dashboard rather than to the left hand side.

Features Changed

  • Where the bash terminal was used in the workshop instance, bracketed paste mode was previously disabled so that the clickable actions for executing a command in the terminal would work. If this wasn’t done the newlines wouldn’t actually be processed by bash and the command executed, until a newline was manually entered using the keyboard. When interacting with a separate bash instance outside of the workshop environment, such as one accessed using kubectl exec from another pod, or from a separate docker container, or VM instance, this wouldn’t help and bracketed paste mode would have to be separately disabled in those shell environments for the clickable actions for commands to work.

    In this version bracketed paste mode is no longer disabled in bash and instead when clicking on an action to run a command in the workshop instructions, it will now be detected if bracketed paste mode is enabled in the front end terminal user interface and if it is, it will be disabled, the command injected into the terminal, and the prior state restored. This means that hacks to disable bracketed paste mode in any separate bash instance accessed from the terminal is no longer required.

    Note that bracketed paste mode will now be honored when using the clickable action for pasting text to the terminals where as before it wasn’t since it was completely disabled.

  • Updated version of Carvel tool suite.

  • Updated versions of yq, helm, skaffold and kustomize.

  • Updated version of Coder VS Code to 4.12.0.

  • Updated reveal.js 4.X branch version to 4.5.0.

  • Added impress.js 2.X branch version.

  • Updated Java versions in Java workshop base images.

  • Updated Gradle version to 7.6.1 in Java workshop base images.

  • Updated Anaconda Python version to 23.3.1 in Python workshop base image.

  • Updated notebook and jupyterlab versions in Python workshop base image.

Bugs Fixed

  • The Kyverno instance deployed as part of the cluster essentials component of Educates was not correctly pinned to the desired target version and the latest version of images were being used. This started to cause issues in the 2.2.1 alpha versions as the latest images were not completely compatible with some existing cluster policies for Kyverno as the custom resource definitions didn’t match the latest version. Because image versions are pinned when creating Carvel packages, the older versions of the Educates packages should still work so long as GitHub container registry doesn’t start garbage collecting images that aren’t associated with a version tag.